Delegated SEN Funding
- Already with schools
- In place to support CYP at SEN Support
- Not ring-fenced
- Important to plan provision with this funding
How is Delegated Funding calculated?
Delegated SEND funding is allocated to mainstream schools through the National Funding Formula (NFF).
Schools receive a Notional SEND Funding amount and this is based on a number of the factors within the NFF which are used as a proxy for the SEND needs of pupils in the school.
Poor Prior Attainment
Schools receive funding is based on the prior attainment of the pupils within their school
For primary schools this is based on the Early Years Foundation Stage, for Secondary Schools this is based on KS2 results
100% of prior attainment funding is allocated to schools forms part of the Notional SEND Funding.
English as an Additional Language (EAL)
Based on the annual schools census returns, numbers of pupils identified as having EAL
50% of the EAL allocation to the school counts towards the Notional SEND funding.
Based on Free School Meal eligibility and the IDACI index of deprivation
50% of deprivation funding allocated to the school counts towards the Notional SEND budget.
Age Weighted Pupil Unit
Fixed amount per pupil (varies according to Key Stage)
5% of AWPU funding counts towards the Notional SEND budget
The notional SEND amount is identified on the Funding Certificate received by the school (mainstream or academy).